Ici vous pouvez trouver quelques activités interactives et amusantes pour pratiquer le passé composé. Cliquez et cherchez. Si vous avez des doutes, envoyez-moi un courrier electronique: englishdonbosco@gmail.com
Bonne chance et amusez-vous!
Este blog pretende ser unha ferramenta de aprendizaxe pero tamén un espazo ludico e práctico para coñecer aspectos destas dúas linguas que non están presentes nas nosas clases.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Saturday, 31 October 2009
Tonight, it's Halloween.......... I highly recommend you to enter this website and have a horrific, funny Halloween night. Click everywhere, open every door, turn sound effects on and I'm sure you will enjoy a lot. If you want even more, try cooking any of the suggested tasty recipes.
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Hai uns días podíamos ler en diversos xornais, e con moita tristura pola miña parte, que España é dos países cuxa poboación ten menos competencias lingüísticas. Neste problema converxen diferentes factores: históricos, políticos, académicos, etc. Penso que xa é hora de sentir algo de vergoña e reaccionar. Como acostumo a dicir nas miñas clases, ao meu alumnado, aproveitemos o tempo e gran sorte que temos de poder aprender non só unha lingua senón catro. Cantas máis linguas se aprenden máis facilidade se ten de aprender outras, e de ser máis tolerantes, coñecer culturas diferentes, etc.
Se queredes ler o informe de Eurostat, só tedes que facer click aquí e nesta páxina localizades a noticia do 27.09.2009 e tedes acceso ao PDF con todos os dados
Se queredes ler o informe de Eurostat, só tedes que facer click aquí e nesta páxina localizades a noticia do 27.09.2009 e tedes acceso ao PDF con todos os dados
Monday, 24 August 2009
Summertime is almost gone, I hope you have had a great time, time to rest, to go to the beach and why not, to read some English books or just listen to a song and pay attention to the lyrics. Here I leave you an example of a summer hit. You can watch the video and then try to follow it with the lyrics (both are taken from youtube). This is an Amy MacDonald's song. She is a Scottish singer, she is an adolescent and she is very famous now there. In this link, you can find more information about her.
Enjoy this last days before coming back to school.
Enjoy this last days before coming back to school.
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
As you all may know, Penélope Cruz won an Oscar award, here you can find a video about that great day. There are no subtitles, but it is not very difficult to understand, please try it, don't lose your patience!!
Thanks Aida and sorry for the delay.
Thanks Aida and sorry for the delay.
Monday, 18 May 2009
Les éléves de 2º ESO ont preparé des recettes de crêpes et d'omelettes et après on les avons dégustes. Aida, Paula, et la prof ont fait des crêpes.
Ici la recette plus facile de crêpes:
- 250 g. de farine
- 4 oeufs
- un demi-litre de lait
- 50 g. de beurre
- Mets la farine, les oeufs et le lait dans un saladier.
- Mélange bien
- Ajoute le beurre fondu et mélange bien
- Mets une goutte d'huile dans une poêle
- Mets un peu de pâte dans la poêle
- Laisse cuire la crêpe deux minutes
- Fais sauter la crêpe
- Bon appétit!
Monday, 20 April 2009
This is the dream of a natural, ordinary woman from Glasgow who tried her luck in a song contest. At the beginning no one trusted her but once she opened her mouth, everyone in the studio changed their faces, everybody was astonished. Here you've got the video. WHAT IS YOUR OPINION?
Monday, 13 April 2009
Hi boys and girls!! I hope Easter holidays have been great.
Do you remember the film we saw before leaving on holidays... SPEAK, here you've got the movie trailer. WATCH IT.What do the scenes suggest you?
Write your suggestions, feelings, stories, etc that come to your mind once you have watched the trailer and bringing the film to mind too.
Send your essays to our e-mail address: englishdonbosco@gmail.com
Do you remember the film we saw before leaving on holidays... SPEAK, here you've got the movie trailer. WATCH IT.What do the scenes suggest you?
Write your suggestions, feelings, stories, etc that come to your mind once you have watched the trailer and bringing the film to mind too.
Send your essays to our e-mail address: englishdonbosco@gmail.com
Sunday, 15 March 2009
You are going to see a short by Marcus Shepherd. It has won many prizes:
- Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2006
- London Short Film Festival, 2007
This is the sypnosis:
The Sofa is about the strange little things you do when you're a kid and how you deal with the consequences. It's seven days before Christmas and eight-year-old Barry Harris is about to do something very, very bad indeed.
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